Friday, March 16, 2007

Another Opportunity To Grow Here...
And There!

A recent article with MLS Marketing Executive, Takehito Nakamura, states that the league is becoming more interested in bringing on Japanese players. Why, you ask?

Well, first, not only does MLS want to grow within America, it also wants to become a worldwide brand. Bringing on Japanese players will only help that specific demographic here in America while growing the league itself outside in Japan.

Second, there is quality talent. Celtic FC player Shunsuke Nakamura (who we will be seeing in the MLS All Star Game) has one of the best free kicks in the world and former superstar Hide Nakata, who played seven season in the Serie A and a year in the EPL, has only been retired for a little less than a year-not too late to bring back.

The marketing aspect in bringing Japanese talent to the MLS is not just to sell souvenirs. Simply put, it is an untapped talent pool that MLS wants to capitalize on and to grow the league at home and abroad.

Article of Influence Here

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