Thursday, March 8, 2007

MLS Works Charity To Begin This Year

The NY Post today actually did some reporting on MLS-finally. After going on about Beckham's knee and how he is out for a month there was something interesting on the bottom of the article.

A short paragraph stated that this coming year a charity called MLS Works will be introduced. Commissioner Don Garber was quoted as saying he hopes it will be as popular as the NFL Charity networks.

Sounds like a fine idea. I wonder who will be partnering with the MLS for this. We'll have to wait and see.


Anonymous said...

This is a much better idea then each individual team having seperate charities. It consolidates the community activities. Good move by the league, if its true. I can't find the article on the net besides this site though.

Anonymous said...

Look here:

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope its more authentic then NBA Cares.